Thursday, June 7, 2007

Back in the Great Land and Sexy as Ever!

So I have returned to the great land and it is with some trepidation. In fact I just recalled that it was this time last year that I had a fairly intense dream with the ol' prince of darkness. Funny story if you hadn't heard it before. Anyways needless to say I havent heard from him this summer, but I am starting to wonder if I did not afterall succumb to another faustian bargain by signing up for another summer working with Holland America Cruise Lines. The souless corporation we lovingly refer to up in these parts as Uncle Hal.

And when I say Uncle, its not goodnatured avuncularity (ask Bob on that word) that makes me, for example, the favorite uncle. No Uncle Hal is the kind of evil Uncle from an Oprah Winfrey book club selection who molests children and gambles the family fortune on cockfights.

Yes, if you're wondering I am a little bitter about this job this season. I guess on the one hand its hard to leave the job you love doing (writing real news stories) to go back to a summer job schmoozing tourists for tips.

All right the upside is that yes this country is still awesome up here. And the money is good, and I am glad to see some old faces. But it is still difficult. Especially getting back into the swing of things. I already scratched the bck of a brand new half a million dollar bus while my boss was on board, and I've also gotten the dreaded morning call from my boss asking me where the hell I was and why was I not picking up people yet. Thats is jsut too much stress in the mornings I tell you.

I am enjoying hanging out with the other drivers though. There are 3 quackenbush's up here this season, and I have been on the highway with Chris Quackenbush this last week, who reminded me that its always a bad move to say to your guests that youve had a "senior moment" when you forget to do something.

I also have met a hilarious mormon kid named wayne who was in italy the same time as luke just in another mission. Me and him are the only bearded drivers out of skagway and we are gonna ride it out as long as we can.

It was funny we had a good moment the other day while we were hanging out at the drivers house Whitehorse (territorial capital of the Yukon) and I asked a group of drivers " guys ever sit and imagine what it would be like to drive the bus off the road" I was a little nervous but then there was a pause and they all chuckled and said "yeah..." and we talked for at least ten minutes about it.

Anyways Im just figgering this blogworld out, and this first post may be lame but I promise that soon it will easily surpass Also I got some pics here of me at the top of moose hide slide in Dawson city, and a picture of a perty lake and coming soon black bear pix!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

diddle dedle de de dum (that's supposed to be the beginning of the dueling banjos), pretty good beardino, pretty good. But I have powers, political powers. Milton Friedman would applaud you for introducing competition into the Peterson-Blog market.
I read the SLweekly article by the way, well done!